Recreational Fire Pits | General Information

Guidelines for Fire Pits:
Recreational fire pits, fire rings, and portable outdoor fireplaces are allowed within the Falcon Fire Protection District as long as the following guidelines are met:
- Fire pits and fire rings must be located at least 25 feet from structures or combustible materials (wood fencing or decks, vegetation, etc.).
- Portable outdoor fireplaces or manufactured freestanding fire pits equipped with side screens and a cover must be used at least 15 feet away from structures or combustible materials.
- The fuel area of fire pits, fire rings, or outdoor fireplaces must be no more than 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in height.
- Only dry and seasoned wood may be burned in recreational fire pits - no yard waste, trash, or treated lumber.
- Fuels shall be limited so that flame lengths do not exceed 36 inches at any time.
- All fires must be attended by a competent adult at all times.
- A water source adequate for extinguishing the fire (garden hose, bucket of water, etc.) must be nearby.
- Recreational fires are not permitted during Red Flag Warning weather conditions, or when fire restrictions or burn bans are in effect.
Fire Pits and Portable Outdoor Fireplaces:
- Prior to buying or building an outdoor fireplace or fire pit, check with your homeowner's association to ensure it is allowed.
- Check with your insurance agent to determine if an outdoor fireplace or fire pit must be disclosed or will affect coverage.
- Per the 2009 IFC:
- Portable outdoor fireplaces or manufactured freestanding fire pits equipped with side screens and a cover shall not be operated within 15 feet of a structure or combustible materials such as wooden fencing
- Fire rings or pits must be located at least 25 feet from structures or combustible materials.
- The fuel area may not exceed dimensions of 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in height. Fuels shall be limited so that flame lengths do not exceed 36 inches at any time.
- Dry grass, leaves, and other combustible vegetation must be cleared for a minimum of 10 feet around the fire area.
- For fireplaces or pits that utilize solid fuels, only dry or seasoned natural firewood cut in lengths less than two feet may be used. Burning yard waste, trash, cardboard or paper, or construction debris is not permitted at any time.
- Fires must be constantly attended by an adult at all times and until the fire is extinguished.
- Do not allow children to play with fire.
- Always have a portable fire extinguisher with a minimum rating of 4-A or a source of water (garden hose, bucket of water) immediately available.
- Do not burn during Red Flag Warning conditions or when burn bans are in effect.
Types of Open Burning Allowed without a Burn Permit:
- Recreational fires such as campfires, non-commercial cooking fires, and residential fire pits.
- Fires must be less than three feet in diameter, and less than two feet high.
- Ceremonial fires.
- Agricultural burns conducted to prepare land for planting of commercial crops.
Types of Open Burning Requiring a County Burn Permit:
- Disposal by fire of untreated natural wood or slash (sticks and branches no greater than four (4) inches in diameter).
- NOTE: Burning of slash piles is not permitted above 7,000 feet elevation unless there is 3" or more of snow on the ground per El Paso County Ordinance 19-001.
- Disposal by fire of dry leaves, grass, weeds, or similar dry natural vegetative materials.
- Broadcast burns of 10 acres or less of grass, or five acres or less of other vegetation. Broadcast burns are a controlled application of fire to wildland fuels in their natural or modified state over a predetermined area. The term does not apply to wildland fuels that have been concentrated in piles by manual or mechanical methods.
Types of Burning Not Allowed:
- Open burning and outdoor fires are prohibited during Red Flag Warnings and when fire restrictions or burn bans are in effect.
- Burning trash is not allowed at any time in El Paso County. Prohibited materials include, but are not limited to:
- Household waste or garbage
- Paper or plastic
- Chemicals, tires, treated wood
- Cut lumber, pallets
- Construction or demolition debris
- Tree stumps
- Burn barrels are prohibited for any type of burning.
- Sky lanterns are not permitted within the Falcon Fire Protection District.